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Administration and production facility Ährenfeld 10 46348 Raesfeld Germany Warehouse and Service Centre Ridderskamp 5 46348 Raesfeld Germany   Administration and production facility Roringskamp 16 46348 Raesfeld Germany

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                                  Champions League Winner 2018, Photo by Patricia Funke Sponsoring To accommodate our social responsibility, we support a variety of events, Projects and associations in the fields of sport and culture.

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Environmental responsibility Environmental and climate protection are very important to us. For this reason, we attach great importance to resource-saving processes in order to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible. To become more sustainable, we have taken the following measures:

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Funke Medical GmbH – since 1988 The Funke Medical GmbH is a German company, which manufactures high quality medical systems for seating, lying and positioning of patients. The production takes place at three locations with a production area of 17.800m2 in Raesfeld, in North Rhine-Westphalia. The products are manufactured exclusively in Germany. The Funke Medical […]

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