Mobility aids Turning and positioning aid
Decubitus prophylaxis and therapy Mattresses for Decubitus prophylaxis and therapy Mattresses for Decubitus prophylaxis and therapy with evacuation function Seating cushions for Decubitus prophylaxis and therapy Positioning aids to ensure optimal patient positioning
Innovations for your dental practice Our systematic research in sleeping and positioning posture also led us to investigate ergonomically correct sitting posture. As a result we have also developed seating systems for dental treatment units.
Products Decubitus prophylaxis and therapy Our product range includes decubitus therapy systems made of high-quality foams. We distribute these worldwide to appropriate specialized medical trade organizations. Seating aids Our seating aids are designed to enable people with physical limitations to sit comfortably in a functionally and physiologically favourable position. Mobility aids […]
Catalogues & Downloads General Catalogue Decubitus Therapy Our product range includes decubitus therapy systems made of high-quality foams. We distribute these worldwide to appropriate specialized medical trade organizations.